Nepal Bar Association decides not to hold talks with Chief Justice

KATHMANDU: Nepal Bar Association (NBA) has refused to sit for talks with Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher JB Rana.

Lawyers’ associated with the NBA and 19 justices of the Supreme Court have been staging demonstrations for the past two weeks demanding resignation of the Chief Justice.

Earlier on Monday, the Chief Justice had urged the agitating lawyers to find the solution through talks. But, the disgruntled lawyers rejected Chief Justice Rana’s call for the dialogue.

Also Read: NBA lawyers stage sit-in at Supreme Court (With photos)

NBA Chairman Chandeshwor Shrestha, however, said that they will hold talks only with the new Chief Justice.

He said that the Chief Justice Rana should tender his resignation as he could not protect the dignity of the judiciary.

Similarly, Purnaman Shakya, Chairman of the Supreme Court Bar Association, said that they will not hold talks with the Chief Justice Rana.

Also Read: Supporters of Chief Justice Rana stage demonstration outside SC (With photos)




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