I will find a solution to the problem of Supreme Court: Sapkota

KATHMANDU: Speaker Agni Prasad Sapkota said that he would find a solution to the problem of the Supreme Court.

Talking to journalists upon his arrival at the Tribhuvan International Airport after taking part in the 143rd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) on Thursday, Sapkota said that the Nepal Bar Association had drawn his attention before he left for Spain to participate in the programme.

“I am well aware about the issue and I will think about how to move ahead now,” he said.

The umbrella body of lawyers across the nation has already drawn the attention of Prime Minister, Speaker, National Assembly Chairman and parties representing in the House of Representatives demanding to file impeachment motion against Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher JB Rana.

Sapkota said that he would find a way out of the ongoing crisis at the Supreme Court.




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