NC cadres attack two journalists of Makwanpur for writing news against Indra Baniya

HETAUDA: Nepali Congress cadres attacked two journalists of Makwanpur for writing news against NC’s Bagmati Province President and newly elected lawmaker Indra Baniya.

They assaulted Ramesh Banjara (Indra), publisher of Bagmati Express weekly paper, and journalist Ram Kumar Rijal (Alan) for writing news against Baniya.

A group of around a dozen cadres led by party’s youth leader Rajesh Bhetwal attacked Banjara and Rijal at the Palpasa Hotel in Hetauda Sub-Metropolitan City-2.

Banjra and Rijal, who were injured in the incident, are preparing to file a complaint against Bhetwal, Raju Nagarkoti and Ranjan Baniya among others.

Meanwhile, the Samajbadi Press Organisation close to the CPN (Unified Socialist) has demanded fair investigation into the incident.

The Bagmati Express had published the news related to the intra-party betrayal in recently concluded parliamentary and provincial elections.

Organising a press conference on Sunday, the Makwanpur Congress had said that the news was false and warned not to publish such kinds of news in the future.




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