Nepal writes to the US saying it will not participate in SPP (With video)

KATHMANDU: Minister for Foreign Affairs Narayan Khadka said that the government has already written to the United States saying that Nepal would not be a part of the State Partnership Program (SPP).

Speaking at a meeting of the House of Representatives on Friday, Minister Khadka said that as per the June 20 decision of the Council of Ministers, the government through a diplomatic channel on July 25 had informed the United States that Nepal would not participate in the SPP.

“I would like to inform the Parliament that the government on Jule 25, 2022 had informed the United States of its decision not to move ahead with the SPP,” he said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had been widely criticised for not sending a letter to the United States stating that Nepal would not participate in the US programme as per the decision of the government.


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