Ward chairman arrested on the charge of attempting to rape 14 yo girl in Hetauda

HETAUDA: Police have arrested Bhuwan Singh Ghalan, Ward Chairman of Kailash Rural Municipality-9 of Makwanpur, on the charge of attempting to rape of 14-year-old girl.

Tek Bahadur Karki, spokesperson at the District Police Office, Makwanpur, said that Ghalan was apprehended from Hetauda.

The Makwanpur District Court on Monday issued an arrest warrant after the girl registered a complaint against him. The girl is a student of the Kalika Higher Secondary School in Kailash-9.

Police swung into action after the court issued an arrest warrant against him yesterday.

Spokesperson Karki said that Ghatam turned himself in on Tuesday.

Chairman Ghalan tried to rape her when she had come to Hetauda to take part in the Rastrapati Running Shield tournament on July 3, the girl said in the complaint.

Police said that they are looking into the case.


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