4 yo killed, 2 injured as house collapse in Kanchanpur

KANCHANPUR : A four-month-old baby girl died after a house collapsed following an incessant rainfall at Bedkot Municipality-5 in Kanchanpur district on Wednesday.

Karishma Khuna, daughter of Parbati Khuna, died after a house of local Prem Saud collapsed, according to Police Inspector Lal Babhadur Bam.

Two others including the infant’s brother sustained injuries during the incident.

Mante Tharu (40 )and Parbati’s son Arjun (11) sustained injuries in the incident and both of them are receiving treatment at Mahakali Hospital in Kanchanpur.

It is said that Karishna Khanu had gone for planting paddy seedlings after leaving her children at the house of Saud. RSS


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