Nabil Bank to open its toilets for public use for free

KATHMANDU: The Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) and Nabil Bank have reached an agreement to allow public to use bank’s washrooms for free.
As per the agreement, public can use toilets set up in 17 bank branches including its central office in the city for free for five years. The service is completely free and repair, tidy and water management will be borne by the bank itself.
Following the election of Balendra Shah to the KMC mayor, the metropolis has urged and intensified cooperation with private sector in a bid to address the problems of public toilets in the city. As per the effort, private sector has been asked to open their toilets for public use for free.
For uniformity and identification of private toilets that are allowed for public use for free, ‘Sarbajanik Shauchalaya’ (Public Toilet) against the blue background has been written in the Nepali language.
As per the decision taken by the first meeting of the KMC under the leadership of Mayor Shah, 58 public toilets within the city would be reused after repair, and 60 more would be open for public use for free through cooperation with private sector, said the KMC administration chief Mahesh Kafle. RSS