Two Nepali Congress cadres injured in Rolpa khukuri attack

RUPANDEHI: Two Nepali Congress cadres were injured in a khukuri attack in Gangadev Rural Municipality, Rolpa on Monday.

Nepal Tarun Dal (youth with of Nepali Congress) Ward Chairman Man Bahadur Buda and Kamal Buda were injured when CPN (Maoist Centre) cadres Rajendra Pariyar, Nawaraj Mahar and Prakash KC attacked them with a khukuri last night.

Kamal is undergoing treatment at a local primary health post while Man Bahadur, who was critically injured in the attack, has been referred to Nepalgunj for treatment.

Earlier, Nepali Congress ward chairman candidate Nim Bahadur Dangi of Madi Rural Municipality-4, Rolpa was injured when YCL (youth wing of Maoist Centre) cadres attacked him last week.


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