Police intervene in protest of Mude-Charikot Road Struggle Committee (With photos and video)

KATHMANDU: Police on Tuesday arrested campaigners of Mude-Charikot Road Struggle Committee who were staging a sit-in outside the Department of Roads demanding action against the contractor for delaying the expansion of Mude-Charikot road section.

Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) central member Ramesh Khatiwada, journalist Bhawani Karki, CPN-UML leader Dhruba Acharya, Nepali Congress leader Kushal Khadka and CPN (Maoist Centre) leader Min Kumar Shivakoti were arrested this morning.

They have been sent to the Metropolitan Police Range, Lalitpur.

Earlier, the committee had drawn the attention of the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure. Rabindra Nath Shrestha, Secretary at the Ministry, had said that the government would announce a new tender by scrapping the old one this week.


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