Health workers stage demonstration at Bir Hospital (With photos)

KATHMANDU: Health workers and staffers on Monday staged a demonstration at Bir Hospital demanding salaries and risk allowance.

They said that the hospital has not provided the salaries and risk allowance to them for the past nine months.

Khub Raj Acharya, Chairman of Nepal Health Workers Union in Bir Hospital, said that they were forced to stage the demonstration after Dr Jagadeshwor Gautam, Director of the hospital, turned a blind eye to their problems.

Acharya said that they have barred Dr Gautam from entering the hospital. He said that five persons including three nurses were injured when police resorted to baton charge.

“We have not got allowance from November last year. The hospital administration had promised us to give the due amount within the month of June this year. But, we have not go the salary and allowance yet,” he said.


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