Janakpur-Jayanagar Railway: Rail brought from India for Rail inspection

JANAKPURDHAM : Rail has been brought from India for test and certification of the speed of Kurtha-Jayanagar railway track.

The rail has reached Kurtha via Janakpur. Officials from both Nepal and India are participants of the rail. The speed test of the ongoing construction of the railway track will start from Kurtha, said Engineer Binod Ojha of the Railway Department.

The distance from Jayanagar to Kurtha is 34 kilometers. Engineer Ojha said that the quality of the track will be tested by running the rail at a speed of 120 km per hour. He said another rail was brought from India as the rail purchased by the government was not suitable for rail inspection.

Two sets of rail bought by the government 10 months ago have been parked at Inaruwa station.


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