Active COVID-19 cases nil in seven districts of Karnali Province

KARNALI: Active COVID-19 infection cases in seven districts in Karnali Province have dropped to nil. According to the Health Service Division under the Ministry of Social Development of the province, Dailekh, Jajarkot, Salyan, Rukum West, Kalikot, Humla and Mugu are the districts that have recorded nil infection cases.

There are 1,684 recovery cases in Dailekh,  693 in Salyan, 331 in Kalikot, 257 in Rukum West, 159 in Jajarkot, 61 in Humla and 41 in Mugu. 

Now the remaining three districts in the province have active infection cases. Surkhet has recorded 27 active infection cases meanwhile Jumla has recorded three and Dolpa has recorded one active case. Of the infection cases in Surkhet, two are in isolation at Province Hospital in Surkhet and 25 are at home isolation. Likewise, other infected people are at home isolation. Of 97,239 PCR tests in the province, 7,534 were tested positive for the infection. The province reported 31 deaths from the infection. 

Similarly, 136 people were tested positive for the virus through a rapid antigen test.


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