Weather: Chances of rainfall in Koshi, Bagmati and Gandaki provinces

KATHMANDU: The monsoon weather system has its influence in the eastern and central parts of the country at present, the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology said. Similarly, local wind and Westerly wind have a partial impact. The low-pressure system that has developed over Uttar Pradesh in India also has its influence in western Nepal, the Department stated.

The weather is generally cloudy in the Tarai region of Koshi and Bagmati provinces as well as the Madhesh, Lumbini and Sudurpaschim provinces at present. It is partly to generally cloudy in the rest of the regions of the country with moderate rain accompanied by lightning at a few places, said meteorologist Sanjeev Adhikari.

He said there is the possibility of rainfall in some places of Koshi, Bagmati and Gandaki provinces today. The Meteorological Forecasting Division said there are chances of heavy rainfall tonight compared to the daytime. The weather bulletin issued by the Division stated that light rainfall is forecast in the western parts of the country as well today.

It said the monsoon system has its impact in the eastern and central parts of the country at present while the local and Westerly winds have their impact in the rest of the parts.RSS


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