Temperature to rise across nation

KATHMANDU: The Weather Forecasting Division has predicted a heat wave in the Tarai belt of Nepal for the coming five days. The Division has made aware the people to adopt preventive measures to save themselves from heat waves.

Issuing a special bulletin, the Division mentioned that the current status of temperature and analyses shows most of the parts in the Tarai region will see a gradual rise in both maximum and minimum temperatures. So, necessary precaution is essential, it added.

The heat wave is called ‘loo’ when the temperature rises above 40 degrees Celsius.

Similarly, even the hilly area and valleys will see the temperature rise.

The Forecasting Division appealed to all to stay updated on the information and notice its issues periodically on the latest weather events.

Most of the places in country have seen rise in both maximum and minimum temperatures for some days. The Tarai belt recorded more than 40 degree centigrade temperature.

Fatigue, weakness, thirst, headache, muscle cramp, dizziness, muscle pain and vomiting can be caused by loo.

It has further suggested the people to stay at home, in cool places, wear cotton clothes, cover head while walking outside, and increase juice and water intake to avoid effects of heat wave.

In case of health problems, consultation with health workers and medical persons has been suggested.

Currently, Nepal is undergoing the partial effect of westerly wind and of low pressure system of Bihar, India.

Meanwhile, light to moderate rainfall has been predicted in some places of Koshi, Madhes and Bagmati Provinces.

The minimum temperature in the Kathmandu Valley has been recorded at 18.8 degree Celsius while maximum 29 degree Celsius.


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