Around 300, 000 security personnel to be deputed for elections

KATHMANDU: Around 300, 000 security personnel will take up security responsibilities during the elections of the House of Representatives (HoR) and Province Assembly.

The government has announced to hold the elections in a single phase and the voting for the twin elections will be taking place on coming November 20.

The Nepal Police has planned to mobilize 71, 693 police personnel and 115, 000 temporary police for the elections while the Nepali Army and Armed Police Force are preparing to mobilize 71,000 and 35,000 personnel.

Similarly, over 200, 000 will be there in the election from the National Investigation Department. In total, 294, 000 is the tentative number of security forces to be mobilized for the election purposes.

However, the number could slightly change in accordance with the election’s Central Security Plan according to security officials.

It may be noted that the Home Ministry is yet to give a final shape to the election’s Central Security Plan. RSS


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