World Suicide Prevention Day marked

KATHMANDU: The World Suicide Prevention Day was observed by organising various programmes in Nepal on Tuesday.
On the occasion, Life Mantra, a mental health related organization, organised a rally at Boudha in collaboration with Kathmandu Metropolitan City-6.
Students from Mahendra Boudha Secondary School, Janakalyan Secondary School, Lord Buddha and Kumari Boarding Secondary School took part in the event.
Similarly, members of Tusal Youth Club and Attarkhel Yuwa Samaj helped the organisation in making the programme successful.
The rally started from Mahendra Boudha Secondary School marched through the streets of Boudha before turning into a corner assembly.
Speaking at the assembly, KMC-6 Chairman Bhuwan Lama said that frustration and depression are the some of the causes of suicide.
“A suicide is an unfortunate incident. It is the incident which should be brought to mind. The incidents of suicide are increasing day by day. Just the way, the population is increasing, the incidents of suicide are increasing,” he said, adding,” But we were not born to commit suicide, but to do something for the society and the country.”
Nepal is among countries with the highest suicide rates.
According to the World Health Organization, one person dies every 40 seconds from suicide, which means that nearly 800, 000 lives are lost every year worldwide.
More than 95 percent of the suicide cases in Nepal have been found to be due to some mental problem or influence.
In the details collected at the police office, most of the incidents are linked to mental problems.
Various reports show that the risk of suicide is higher in people who are unable to bear the death or separation of relatives, who have attempted suicide before, and people who have mental and psychosocial health problems.
As mental and psycho-social problems are the root cause of suicide, it can be prevented if identified in time and treated by consultation with the psychiatrist and counselor.
It has been said that more than half of the problem will be reduced if you treat people who are at high risk of suicide with love, actively listen to their thoughts and express sympathy.
The number of suicides is almost equal between men and women.
According to police statistics, minors have also been involved in such incidents in recent years.
The World Suicide Prevention Day is being observed since 2003 on 10th September each year.
Life Mantra is an organisation that raises mental health awareness through community programs, provides specialised counseling to help individuals overcome challenges and offers tailored training for education, health workers, parents and students.