Vitamin ‘A’ capsules, de-worming tablets being administered to children

KATHMANDU: The Department of Health Services has launched the National Vitamin ‘A’ program for children under five years from today.
Vitamin ‘A’ capsules are being administered to children from six months to 59 months of age and de-worming tablets to children from one year to five years in the two-day program.
Nutrition Section Head of the Department, Lila Bikram Thapa, said the Department has set a target of administering Vitamin ‘A’ capsules to around 3.2 million children while de-worming tablets to around 2.9 million children.
Health volunteers would administer Vitamin ‘A’ and de-worming tablets to children in every ward, he mentioned.
A total of 52,000 women health volunteers and 10,000 health workers are deputed for the two-day program.
The government administers Vitamin ‘A’ capsules and de-worming tablets to children free of cost in Baishakh and Kartik every year.