Teachers’ Federation announces to close schools across the country in protest against Education Bill (With video)

KATHMANDU: The Nepal Teachers’ Federation has announced a protest expressing dissatisfaction over the School Education Bill registered in the Parliament.
Organizing a press conference in the Capital on Friday, the Federation has announced a street protest arguing that the Bill 2080, formulated to amend law pertaining to the school education, registered in the Parliament is against the rights and interests of the teachers.
The Federation has decided to hold a Kathmandu centric protest by shutting down all the schools across the country from September 20.
The Federation has alleged that the Bill has failed to give proper attention to the establishment of the temporary teachers, on creating posts for school teachers and Kindergarten teachers.
Similarly, the Bill has also not been able to address the issues like teachers’ promotion, appointment of principals and transfer and performance evaluation of teachers among others, Federation Chairperson Kamala Tuladhar said.
She said they were forced to stage the protest after the government did not implement the agreements reached with the teachers earlier.