Responsibilities and challenges have increased: PM Dahal

GORKHA: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal said that the vote of confidence he obtained in the parliament to become Prime Minister has added more responsibilities and challenges.

PM Dahal said so while inaugurating the 11th Gorkha Festival and provincial agriculture, tourism and industrial trade fair-2079 BS organized by the Gorkha Chamber of Commerce and Industry in district headquarters of Gorkha district today.

Stating that he got a historic opportunity to lead the government, Dahal said that he would take it as a huge challenge.

Assuring that he would help the development and prosperity agenda get an impetus, PM Dahal pledged to move ahead in collaboration with the private and public sector to give an impetus to the national economy.

Furthermore, the Head of the Government reaffirmed his commitment to take forward development works related to Budhi Gandaki Project, construction of Arughat Roila road section and operation of the Palungtar Airport among others.

“My top priorities are taking forward the incomplete development projects and ushering the country on the path of prosperity,” said PM Dahal.

He also reassured that he would fulfill all commitments he made with the public during the election.

“I have a clear memory of the commitments I made with you during the election campaign and will fulfill my commitments,” he vowed, addressing the locals.

Extending his gratitude towards the voters of Gorkha district for electing him, he said that he got an opportunity to serve the citizens of Nepal by getting elected. RSS



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