Supply of pure drinking water to growing population a challenge, experts say

Experts said that it was a mounting challenge to supply adequate pure drinking water, energy and food to the growing population of the country.

At a two-day workshop on water, energy and food nexus that kicked off in Kathmandu on Tuesday, speakers and presenters made the proposition.

Inaugurating the workshop, Secretary at the Ministry of Drinking Water Maniram Gelal said demand for drinking water, energy and food was increasing across the globe with expansion of urbanization and population.

On the occasion, former minister Ganesh Saha suggested that the challenges surfaced in the sector could be averted by protecting sources of water, utilizing rain water and developing technology on water efficiency for higher yields of crops and placing renewable energy measures.

Likewise, former secretary Suman Prasad Sharma demanded serious interventions from the concerned side to reach out to the growing population with pure drinking water, adequate clean energy and nutrient-rich food.

Chairperson of Smart WASH Solutions Ramdeep Saha shared that the workshop was organized to draw learning of the advanced countries in addressing the issues of drinking water, clean energy and nourishing food in light of rising population.

J W Lee of Asian Water Council and K-Water had delivered a presentation on how the Korea Water (K-Water) was working to address challenges emerging in the sector.

Expert Dr Unahar Shin shed light on the inter-relationship between water, energy and food, urban water management, water leakage control and management style in congruent with sustainable development.

Prof Dr Bim Shrestha of the Kathmandu University presented a paper on nexus between water, energy and food while Executive Director of Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) Dr Madhusudan Adhikari presented a working paper on the contributions to drinking water, energy and food security through renewable energy technology in Nepal. RSS


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