9th National Games: Jay Rani wins three gold medals, sets national record in long jump

POKHARA: Jay Rani Tharu of Tribhuvan Army Club of the Nepali Army has set a national record in women’s long jump under the Ninth National Games taking place in Gandaki Province.

Jay Rani clinched the gold medal with a jump of 5.58 meters in the match held at Pokhara Stadium, Kaski.

Earlier, Nisha Chaudhary of Lumbini Province had the national record with a jump of 5.47 meters.  This time, Nisha won the silver medal with a jump of 5.49 meters.

Similarly, Shila Chaudhary of APF Club of Armed Police Force received a bronze medal.

This is the third gold medal of Jay Rani in this Ninth National Games. RSS


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