BEIJING: The Communist Party of China is celebrating its 100th anniversary today. The well-wishers of The Communist Party of China all over the world are celebrating this anniversary, including in China.
Addressing the centenary, Chinese President and CPC Secretary-General Xi Jinping said that his country would not oppress other countries. He also warned that they would stand as a strong wall against the elements seeking to bully or influence China.
Analysts say the Chinese President’s warning is aimed at Western countries, including the United States. Standing in front of 70,000 participants in Beijing, Xi also said that he would silence and numb the conspiracies against China.
“The 1.4 billion Chinese people will stand as a strong wall against the conspiracy to encircle and weaken China,” Xi said in his address. “The rise of the Communist Party has changed not only the fate of the Chinese people, but the fate of the whole world.”

In his address, Xi paid tribute to the senior leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao. He also said that China has made a firm commitment to the unity with Taiwan. “No one should undermine the Chinese people’s ability to defend their national sovereignty and country,” he said.
Military aircrafts were flown in Chinese skies and nationalist songs were played during the ceremony on Thursday morning. Most people in Tiananmen Square did not even wear masks. Today, Hong Kong is also celebrating ‘Handover Day’.
In an hour-long address, President and Secretary-General Xi Jinping discussed the role of the Chinese Communist Party in modern times. He also pledged not to allow the country to fail. “Only socialism can save China. Only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China,” he said.
The Chinese Communist Party, founded in 1921, came to power 72 years ago after a long civil war.