UN Mission in Kathmandu directs WHO to supply vaccines to Nepal immediately

KATHMANDU: The UN Mission in Kathmandu has directed the World Health Organization (WHO) on Saturday to immediately supply vaccines against COVID-19 to Nepal.

UN Resident Representative Sarah Beysolow Niyanti made the request to WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. 

In her tweet, she mentioned that Nepal’s infection rate is the highest in the world and also drew the attention of the WHO Chief to look at the statistics. “Send vaccines to Nepal now,” she wrote.

In the same week, Covid Crisis Management Center (CCMC) Coordinator and Deputy Prime Minister Ishwar Pokharel telephoned Nyanti and suggested that she take the initiative to supply vaccines.

The UN body WHO has been supplying vaccines to the affected countries under the CoVAX facility. However, there has been no supply in vaccine-producing countries including India, after vaccine production has been affected.

The WHO has also said that supply has not reached poor countries as large and rich nations have stockpiled the vaccine. 


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